Ministry of Statistics of the Government of India. It is the largest organisation in India conducting regular socio-economic surveys. It was established in 1950.
NSSO has four divisions:[1]
The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), now known as National Sample Survey Office, is an organization under the NSSO has four divisions:[1]
- Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD)
- Field Operations Division (FOD)
- Data Processing Division (DPD)
- Co-ordination and Publication Division (CPD
Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD)
The Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) is a professional organ of NSSO, mandated to do the job of :• planning of the survey• Formulation of sample design• Drawing up of schedules of enquiry • Formulation of concepts and definitions• Preparation of instruction manual for survey field work• Training of field and data processing personnel on survey methodology• Formulation of scrutiny check points• Drawing up of tabulation programme • Preparation of survey reports • Analysis and presentation of survey results and• Undertaking studies for the improvement of survey methodology
SDRD, NSSO is located at Mahalanobis Bhavan, Kolkata and is headed by an Additional Director General - a Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) level officer, and has sanctioned strength of three SAG (Senior Administrative Grade), fifteen JAG (Junior Administrative Grade), eight STS (Senior Time Scale) and four JTS (Junior Time Scale) level officers of Indian Statistical Service besides one Deputy Director (Administration) and the supporting staff members.
Field Operations Division (FOD)
The Field Operations Division (FOD), one of the four Divisions of the National Sample Survey Office, is responsible for conducting surveys in the field of Socio- Economic, Industrial Statistics, Agricultural Statistics, Prices, etc. as per the approved programmes. It is also responsible for updating the frame for conducting Socio-Economic Surveys in urban areas. This Division with its Headquarters located at New Delhi and Faridabad functions through a network of 6 Zonal Offices, 49 Regional Offices and 116 Sub-Regional Offices spread throughout the country and has staff strength of about 4000.
The Division is headed by Additional Director General (ADG), an Additional Secretary Level Officer. In Headquarters, four Deputy Director Generals as well as other officers in the rank of Director/ Joint Director/ Deputy Director/ Assistant Director assist him. All the Zonal Offices are headed by Deputy Director Generals while the head of Regional Offices are Deputy Director General/ Director level officers except for Port Blair which is headed by Assistant Director.
Data Processing Division (DPD)
The Data Processing Division (DPD) of NSSO with Headquarters at Kolkata and five Data Processing Centres outside Kolkata at Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Giridih and Nagpur are primarily mandated to undertake the processing, the tabulation and the dissemination of data collected through Nation Wide Large Scale Sample Surveys on various Socio-economic issues conducted by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the Government of India. This task of transforming large volume of raw data into the final form of Key Indicators or Estimates in Tabular Format with due process of scrutiny and validation is carried out by a large number of trained and experienced technical officials in Electronic Data Processing Cadre under the overall supervision and guidance of the officers of Indian Statistical Service. The role of DPD starts from the initial stage of formulation of the Sample Design for NSS Surveys by SDRD wherein apart from providing input for the formulation it has to undertake the job of sample selection. Later on DPD undertakes the job of software development for Data Entry, Data Verification, Computer Edit, Other Data Validations, Howler Checks, Tabulation, etc. DPD also assists the States by providing complete IT solutions in all their data processing related activities and also through periodic training/workshop and other interactive methods.
With the advent of Information Technology, DPD is now introducing modern technology to reduce time and effort in data capturing and transmission besides improving quality of unit level data. It also helps other countries/organizations in enhancing their capacity building particularly in data processing/analysis by conducting various need based training programmes.
Main Functions
The main functions of DPD inter-alia include
- Maintenance of sampling frame and updation of Urban Frame Survey Database.
- Selection of samples and preparation of Sample lists.
- Manual checking of identification particulars and pre data entry scrutiny.
- In-house development of validation and tabulation software.
- Data Entry & Verification of filled-in schedules.
- Validation of data through various stages covering both content check and coverage check.
- Preparation of Directory and Multiplier files for estimation of parameters.
- Tabulation of validated data as per approved tabulation plan.
- Processing & tabulation of monthly Rural retail price data and release of Quarterly Rural Price Bulletin.
- Assistance to state statistical agencies in processing of NSS state sample data.
- Providing training in application of computer and on data processing.
- Undertaking special data compilation and tabulation work for:Various analytical studies, Methodological studies etc undertaken by NSSO in support of Working Group/Steering CommitteeSpecial users/Committees/Ministries/Deptts./Orgs.
- Organising scrutiny feedback workshop for FOD.
- Providing technical guidance/assistance to NSS Data Users.
- Meeting Data requirements(Adhoc tabulation/drawing of Samples etc.) and User’s queries.
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Role of DPD as a Survey Data Processor
Co-ordination & Publication Division is located
Co-ordination & Publication Division is located at New Delhi and is responsible for:- coordinating the activities of all the Divisions of NSSO.
- Dissemination of survey results and analysis through the biannual technical journal ‘Sarvekshana’ and ‘ National Seminars’ to discuss the survey results.
- Providing technical and secretarial assistance to Steering Committee of National Sample Surveys.
- Supplying survey data of various rounds to individuals, researchers, research institutions and other private and govt. bodies.
- Liaison with other Departments/ Ministries on various matters concerning NSSO.
- Providing the technical and secretarial assistance to DG & CEO of NSSO.
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